Top 5 Baseball Movies of All Time

A source of great entertainment and life lessons, sports movies can be enjoyed by families who are and are not involved in sports. For athletes and nonathletes alike, there are many sports centered films that offer insight into finding your passion and make an impact on your life! Keep reading to learn about our top five baseball movies!


#1: The SandLot

Our first classic sports movie is “The Sandlot”! This film is packed with nostalgia and funny lines from iconic characters. Whether you are a kid enjoying the silly humor or an adult respecting the storyline, this movie is a crowd pleaser! “The Sandlot” provides a glimpse of a life full of baseball, friendships, family and summertime. What more could you ask for?

Our favorite lines:

“Hurry up, Benny, my clothes are goin’ out of style!”

“Everybody gets one chance to do something great. Most people never take the chance…”

“You’re killing me, Smalls!”


 #2: Field of Dreams

Up next, we have “Field of Dreams.” This movie may have the overwhelming power to turn anyone into a baseball enthusiast! Following his dreams, the main character played by Kevin Costner, builds a baseball field in a part of his corn crop! Set in Dyersville, Iowa, families love the small town feel that is captured by the camera in this movie.

Our favorite lines:

 “If you build it, they will come.”

“We just don’t recognize life’s most significant moments while they’re happening. Back then I thought, “Well there’ll be other days”…”


#3: A League of Their Own

Baseball is for girls too! “A League of Their Own” takes you into the lives of female baseball players on the All-American Girl’s Baseball Team during World War II. Heartwarming and heart wrenching, “A League of Their Own” shows a glimpse of the struggles women faced in athletics. Rather than face a world without baseball during the war, women’s baseball gave communities hope during a time of uncertainty. While the movie is focused on women in the sport, don’t count boys out! This film teaches life lessons for everyone.

Our favorite lines:

“It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.”

“There’s no crying in baseball!”

“…what do you think we are? Baseball players or ballerinas?”

#4: Moneyball

If you are interested in baseball analytics, this movie is right up your alley! “Moneyball” shows the revolutionary change in how scouts selected baseball players! Instead of relying on gut instinct, scouts would collect data on players to find their on-base average. Informational and entertaining, “Moneyball” is a great movie for families and baseball enthusiasts – go watch it. You won’t be disappointed.

Our favorite lines:

“I made one decision in my life based on money. And I swore I would never do it again.”

“How can you not be romantic about baseball?”

“There are rich teams and there are poor teams. Then there’s 50 feet of crap. And then there’s us.”


#5: 42

In 1997, all Major League Baseball teams retired jersey #42 in honor of the legendary player, Jackie Robinson. “42” tells the story of Robinson earning recognition in American baseball during the 1940s. He carved a path for future African American baseball players. The film sends a message of perseverance, class and dignity. This movie features a great message: Work hard, be kind and keep your head up.

Our favorite lines:

“Maybe tomorrow we’ll all wear 42, so nobody could tell us apart.”

“I want a player who’s go the guts not to fight back.”

Let Us Know Your Favorites!

Do you have your own favorite baseball movie that you want to share? Give us a suggestion in the comments!